Friday, July 18, 2008

Difficulties Faced When Writing

I have written some shorts stories of my own when I was very young for my school's publication department. If I'm not mistaken, I was only able to publish two of my short stories. Most of my stories were science-fiction. They were inspired by Power Rangers, Dragonball, Star Wars and the like. I never wrote anything original. Nowadays, I don't write stories at all. I've lost the spark that I had during my developing age. The only thing I write is my blog.

After reflecting on my experience in writing when I was young, realized that even then I've faced some difficulties in writing. There are many stages in writing. At least I think there is. The pre, while, and post-stage.

During the pre-stage of writing; coming up with a stroryline. I used to be a very imaginative kid. I loved day dreaming. Pretending I was Goku from Dragonball and flying around fighting an evil alien. I thought of my own fighting scenes. I ran that scene over and over agian in my head so that I would be able to watch it again. I imagined these kinds of things every chance I had. This went on for so long to the extent that I was able to make up my own characters and memorize each of them. This is where most of my ideas come from.

When an idea was formed, it's time to think of a plot. That's where I usually get stuck. I know there are techniques in creating a plot. But I usually just start writing whatever it was that came to mind. But the plot just dissolves into the white pages. I quickly loose inspiration to keep writing. My teacher used to say that my story had a very untidy introduction. She said I needed to smoothen the edges. As my stories went on, my teacher had a hard time seeing the relevance of the events. Not only that, the ending was so quick, my teacher thought the story wasn't finished yet.

That's 1 problem I face while writing. Another problem I face is the use of language. I don't know how to express my ideas in way that is exciting to read. Other than the plot, I think language comes second in writing a good story. I love Harry Potter so much. I've read all 7 of them. What kept me reading those books was the language. J.K. Rowling is so good in getting the readers see what Harry sees and feels. That's something I wasn't and may still not able to do.

Nowadays I don't write at all. The only things I write are my assignments and my blog. That's pretty much it. I think even from reading this entry, you'd get a picture of the problems I face. The only reason I started a blog is to improve my writing. I hope this course will inspire me to start writing stories again.